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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Cannabis Associated with Immune Cell Frequency Reduction in ART-Treated HIV Patients

Recently, studies found that the regular use of Cannabis is associated with the activation of the immune system and the reduction of systemic inflammations in regards "ART" or antiretroviral therapy for HIV-infected individuals.

All the above means that, for these HIV-infected individuals, a heavy and regular use of cannabis, will decrease frequencies of activated T-cells and inflammatory antigen-presenting cell subsets, in other words, heavy and frequent use of cannabis will provide immunologic benefits through decreasing the immune activation (HIV-patients)

Study participants were divided into 4 categories: heavy, medium or occasional cannabis users or non-cannabis users. The categories selection was based on a blood test. The ones that use cannabis on a daily basis were 65, while non-cannabis users were 133.

Although the clinical implications and side effects of regular use of cannabis are still unclear, researchers found that heavy users have decreased frequencies of intermediate and nonclassical monocyte subsets, as well as decreased frequencies of interleukin 23- and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) producing antigen presenting cells compared to frequencies of activated T cells in non-cannabis-using participants.  

The results are consistent with previous studies demonstrating that cannabinoids can reduce immune cell cytokine production and cellular proliferation.

It’s also important to note, that in the study, researchers found that the moderate and heavy cannabis-using individuals had a significantly higher frequency of HCV-coinfected individuals compared to non-cannabis-using individuals. Despite the higher frequency of HCV coinfection, the individuals still have significantly lower indicators of inflammation and immune activation compared to non-cannabis-using groups.

But, why is marihuana beneficial for inflammatory diseases, well let's hear doctor McDougall, who is the professor of pharmacology at Dalhousie University and a member of the scientific advisory committee for the Arthritis Society.

So, the presence of 2 major cannabinoids, THC and CBD have shown to be effective in reducing inflammation that is linked to several diseases, especially the nonpsychoactive constituents of marihuana, when administering orally, are excellent as anti-arthritic therapy in murine collagen-induced arthritis.

In other words, the CBD component of cannabis provides the body the ability to self-heal and ward off disease.

What if Cannabis was the cure to HIV?...well, sadly it isn't, but it has a vast potential in regards the treatment of HIV-related neuropathic pain, inflammation and the spread of the virus itself, this is due to the administration of the THC component of marihuana, leading to a generalized attenuation of viral load and tissue inflammation. But, we are only watching the tip of the iceberg on cannabis research in regards HIV and other diseases, perhaps it is the cure, but we can't tell how, not yet.


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